Thursday, 19 May 2011


Finally.  Finally I've gone ahead and made a blog, I've been wanting a blog for about a year or so now and thought that about now was the time to actually do something about it.  I read loads and loads of blogs and they're such a great source of inspiration, for fashion, photography and other little crafty bits and bobs.  The more blogs I read and discovered, the more I released how much I wanted one myself.  So, your probaly thinking right now, 'What's the point here?' Well as you've probaly guessed I have REALLY wanted a blog for ages and have finally got one, but what is this long lusted after blog going to be about?  The answer to that question is *drumroll* fashion.  Well, I say that, but knowing me will no doubt go off and start rambling about something else.  I'm rambling right now you see?  It shall be mostly be geared around fashion, outfit of the days, how to wear it etc etc.  But I shall also share some little craft tips, what I read, where I've been anything I think that may be of vague interest to you all. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy what there is to come, just to warn you I am VERY inconsistent, so may not be the best blogger in terms of 'a post everyday' sort of thing.  I have a tumblr, but to be honest it's pretty crap as I never go on it as I get SO bored with it after a while, it's not quite as personal as blogspot I think.  Enough for one post though I think as if I carry writing too much you'll all never want to visit me blog again as you know you'll be bored half to death with my massive essays.  I'll try and restrain myself. PROMISE. 
Until next time
GF xx